We hope the below information assists you with your queries, otherwise, please do not hesitate to contact our office during business hours to speak to a member of our Elevate Property Management Team.
Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 5.00 pm
Please ensure that your rent is always paid in advance as per your signed Tenancy agreement. Refer to your Residential Tenancy Agreement for full information on how to pay your rent. We include within your lease documents a Unique Identifying Code (Page 2) so the reconciliation between your own rent and the property you reside in is accurate and we receive it. Putting “Rent” is simply not good enough and we will communicate with you that you are in arrears and this will affect your Tenancy ledger as a result.
It is the responsibility of the tenant to arrange connection and disconnection of the following:
Your Rental Bond is a form of “insurance” against damage to a property as a result of negligence or misuse or leaving the property without notice. The bond is lodged with the Rental Bond Board (Now called Rental Bonds Online) for the duration of the Tenancy. Provided that the Property is left as near as possible to the condition it was when the tenancy commenced, and no rent is outstanding, the bond is refunded. Fair wear and tear is expected and your Ingoing Condition Report will be used as a guide for your Outgoing Inspection, see below.
* The Bond money is not to be used to pay for any oustanding rent.
An inspection report (or Condition Report) is taken at the commencement of the Residential agreement and again on vacating. The report is for the Tenant to check the condition of the premises against the report and return the copy of the report to our office within seven (7) days. During your Tenancy, an Elevate Property Manager will seek to inspect the Property on behalf of the Owner to ensure the property is well kept – due notice will be given as to not cause any inconvenience to your tenancy.
We ask that all repairs be put in writing. You may either come into our office or fill out our ‘maintenance request’ form online. The more detailed you fill in the form, the easier it will be for your Elevate Property Manager, Owner and tradesperson to fulfil the request ASAP and completely. Preferably, please email to pm@elevatepg.com.au and we will attend to it within 2 business days.
The notice must be given in writing to this office in accordance with the terms of the Residential Tenancy Agreement. This includes the actual date that is your last date of the Tenancy. Please read ‘the Renting Guide’ for full information on ending your Tenancy. If you overextend this date, the rent will be charged until keys are handed to our office, i.e. possession is handed over to the Agency). If you would like to attend the outgoing inspection, please notify our office in writing and we will do our best to accommodate mutual timings.
Upon signing the Residential Agreement, the Tenant will be issued with one set of keys or depending on the number of tenants on the lease. Our office, in the case of an emergency, will endeavour to retain a spare set of keys for management purposes with a $100 fully refundable deposit upon return (emergencies, tradespeople and to conduct routine inspections). When vacating, please ensure that all keys are returned to this office promptly. A signed key register will be given to you for you to sign and for our mutual records as well.
Tenants belongings are not covered by the Landlord’s Insurance and we advise you to insure your personal possessions against damage, theft or loss. This is commonly called Home and Contents insurance and quote can be sourced via – https://www.comparethemarket.com.au/
Thoroughly read through your residential agreement and ‘the renting guide’ provided to you on signing your agreement and be aware of your obligations and rights as a tenant.
If you require any further information regarding your Residential Tenancy Agreement, please do not hesitate to contact your Elevate Property Manager at 0423 33 768 or pm@elevatepg.com.au
We look forward to working with you!
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